Module 5 Devlog: Lighting and Shadergraph + Cinemachine and Post Processing

Devlog for Self Study 5: Lighting and Shadergraph

With the help of a tutorial (linked below) by Brakeys, a scene was created of a monkey head lit up by 2 glowing planes. The lighting in this scene was baked in using Unity's progressive Lightmapper.

Monkey in room with lights

Another shader was made with Shadergraph with another tutorial by Brakeys, this shader is a dissolve effect.

Dissolving monkey face

A water shader was also created.

Beautiful water

Updated Lighting

The scenes lighting was updated with some point lights around the public toilet and a glowing effect coming from  the lighthouse. A fog effect was also added using the Unity lighting fog setting.

Updated lighting

The lighthouse also has a rotating spotlight that shines out over the scene.

Lighthouse shining

Custom Shadergraph

A custom Shadergraph was created and applied to the lighthouse

Some sort of blob stuff moving around

Tutorial 5 Post processing and Cinemachine


Cinemachine was installed from the asset manager and used to create a camera that switches positions when the player enters a trigger collider.

Camera changing from third person tourist to a dolly lighthouse camera when tourist enters the lighthouses private property

Post Processing

Some post processing effects were added using the post processing stack v2 downloaded from the asset manager.

A post processing volume was set up with a box collider to trigger the post processing effects when the player enters a certain zone.

Tourists vision become distorted as the public toilets noxious fumes overcome him

Bloom was also added to make lights in the scene appear to glow


Something I would like to do with the bloom is to have its intensity cycle from low to high to make the glowing effect cooler.


Monkey in room: 

Dissolving monkey face:


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