Concept Devlog

Working Title: Wraiths Revenge

Genre/category: Dungeon management / RTS/ tower defence


Concept Statement

In Wraiths Revenge the player plays as a wraith in charge of a dungeon, deploying monsters and magic to repel the invading Adventurers.  

Harvest the souls of the Invaders to create your own deadly defences to assist you against increasing waves of dungeon raiders.


Concept creation

This game will combine dungeon crawler type fighting games, and tower defence type games. The creation of this game has been inspired by dungeon crawlers like hades, and tower defence type games like orcs must die, where the player uses a variety of traps and weapons to stop orcs from reaching the players core rift.

The game is a type of anti-game as the player controls the monsters of a dungeon instead of usual dungeon crawlers where the player goes through a dungeon killing monsters.


Audience and competitive analysis

The target audience for this game would be adult casual gamers who enjoy and are familiar with tower defence/ RTS type games, as it has elements of both types of game. 

This game is likely not for young children as some of the game mechanics and graphics may not be for younger players.

Another game series familiar with this game is the orcs must die series, all 3 of which are very highly rated1.

This game differs from the O.M.D. series as that is more of a 3rd person shooter,  whereas wraith revenge will be more like a top-down dungeon crawler with a range of different abilities for the player.

Game Treatment and Concept Art

You start off in your dungeon full of loot, killing adventurers with basic attacks as the work their way towards your treasures. Disposing of these raiders allows you to collect their souls, needed to create the defences of your dungeon and power up your own attacks.

Create a maze of deadly traps and horrible monsters to slaughter your enemies, or do it yourself with variety of attacks and magical powers.

The player in this game will be able to attack enemies with physical attacks or magical attacks, and will be able to create traps and blocks to create pathways within the dungeon that will help kill adventurers, as well as create spawners, which over time will create monsters that will attack adventurers.

Different types of monsters will be spawnable, each with different stats and abilities, such as zombies that simply overwhelm enemies with sheer numbers, slowing their advance, or ratmen whose bites infect enemies with diseases, slowing and damaging them over time.

Concept art

Concept Wraith player sprite2

Concept Zombie Spawner and Zombie Sprite2

Concept tiles2.




2. My shitty sprites :)


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