Week 10 Devlog: Enemies and Interaction

Enemies and Monsters
Wraiths Revenge so far has a number of enemies and monsters in different tiers, each tier more powerful than the last.
The adventurers are the players enemies, as they enter the dungeon and make their way towards the loot room of the dungeon, attacking monsters they encounter along the way. It is the players job along with monsters they may spawn to defend the loot.
Tier 1:
Filthy Peasants: a truly pathetic display.

Zombies: Dead adventurers risen to fight the living and do the wraiths bidding.
Tier 2:
Adventurer: A warrior seeking the dungeons fortune.
Ratmen: Men twisted by the dungeons magic into unnaturally fast creatures
Tier 3:
Hunter: Skilled archers that strike from a distance.
Skeletony Mage: Bones of past Mages that still hold the power they had when alive.
Tier 4:
Chadventurer: The most skilled of adventurers, with a chin hard as steel, none but the wraith can rival their power currently :)
Dungeons Health
The enemies will seek out the loot room of the dungeon and once there, they will start taking loot until only one thing remains, the heart of the dungeon. If adventurers are able to touch the heart, the dungeon and the wraith will be destroyed.
The loot in the dungeon acts as the dungeons health, if any loot remains the adventurers wont touch the heart and the dungeon will survive.
Protecting the Loot
The player themselves can attempt to destroy the invaders, but without help it can quickly become overwhelming, as the longer the dungeon survives, the more powerful enemies entering it will be.
The player can create spawners that will periodically create monsters to assist the player in holding back the hordes, zombies being the cheapest to summon, and having a higher spawn rate are excellent at swarming enemies in high numbers.
While each individual zombie is extremely pathetic, a large horde of zombies is only a little pathetic.
As more powerful enemies appear, more powerful monsters will need to be summoned
each monster will be good at different things, zombies for holding enemies back, ratmen for higher melee damage, and skeletony mages for long ranged magical attacks.
The player also has traps available to them, which can do damage to the enemies or apply other effects e.g. slowing their movement, and blocks that can be used to create pathways for adventurers to take.
Creation is not free, however, it requires the soul power of adventurers, with more powerful adventurers rewarding more soul power when killed.
Enemies in wraiths revenge are currently all prefab variants of a basic adventurer prefab, which holds their health, attack details, and their scripts for detecting enemies and pathfinding within the dungeon using some Astar scripts, including some modified versions of Lindsays pathfinding code.
When spawning objects, a check is first done using a raycast point on the middle of the chosen square, and if its a free space a trap or spawner is instantiated on the position of the mouse rounded to the middle of the square, and then the cost of the creation is taken from the players souls.
Peer Feedback
Thanks for the feedback :D
One thing I noticed regarding flow is that in this little choke point here, players can place the spawnable object down and it blocks off that pathway. Forcing enemies to go completely around the other side of the map to which creates a Scooby Doo chase effect I'd call it. Including blocking spawn areas off completey. Maybe if higher tier enemies like the Chadventurer ignore the spawnable object tile?
Using this feedback i think i will implement a type of adventurer that can either jump over blocks, or destroy them :)
one thing tho, ive been letting the game run for quite awhile and im still only seeing two types of enemies, i presume its the peasants and adventurer. just wanted to let you know about that, in case you want to think about decreasng the rarity of Chadadventurer? but otherwise the game looks cool
I will make the Chadventurer more distinguishable from norma adventurers, maybe by giving him a different colour cloak, currently his chin is just bigger lol
Looks great so far. The UI for the objects could be a bit brighter, it's kinda hard to make out.
I have increased the Alpha (opacity) of the icon for the currently selected spawnable object :D
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Wraiths Revenge 109
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